
15th anniversary tournament “Bridge in the woods”
We are still in the excitement after the recent 15th anniversary tournament “Bridge in the woods” organized by Marek Małysa and Bridge to the People Foundation. The tournament was held on 9-12.05.2024 in Poland.
Sports bridge at the Economic Forum in Karpacz
During this year’s 39th edition of the Economic Forum in Karpacz, a panel on the social and economic role of sport in the modern world was held, with the participation of MP IreneuszRasie, senator WojciechZiemniak, president of the board of PGE NarodowyWłodzimierzDoli and vice-president of PZBS Igor Chalupec. The...
The programme aims by teaching bridge to older people and organising the game: – prevent or at least delay the onset of dementia (mainly Alzheimer’s disease) in older people, – bring older people out of loneliness and social isolation. The programme aims by teaching bridge to older people...
Bridge – an avalanche of pleasure
“The course showed me how much bridge has changed, or rather – how different bridge was played years ago. A different, or ‘circle’ bridge. It also showed that a new one can be learned at any age. And so the avalanche of pleasure began.” MałgorzataMaruszkin Bridge is...
At a Scientific Conference in Toruń (Poland) dedicated to the game of bridge, Emilia Leszkowicz PhD presented results of studies by American scientists which concluded, that playing bridge can strengthen our immune system. This somewhat odd title is not a scientific report, but there is something in it....
The Alan Truscott Memorial Award
Alan Truscott, circa 1964, The New York Times The Alan Truscott Award is presented periodically to an individual or organisation that, in the opinion of the IBPA Executive, has done something in the world of bridge that Alan would have approved of and appreciated. Alan was an IBPA Executive...
UNESCO partnership
“UNESCO to partner World Mind Sports Games 2012”.
Some time ago WBF established Committee „Bridge &Science” to get serious scientific results and to use them in promotion of our game. It wasn’t without the reason because research, a scientific one, has been already running. Samantha Punch created Sociology of Bridge, Veronique Ventos with NukkAI is exploring Artificial...